Sunday, February 17, 2013

I have a BLOG!!!

OK, so I have a blog.

Welcome to anyone interested in reading.

It seems the older I get, the more opinions I seem to have.  So, I figured I should start a blog.  I've actually thought about it for quite some time, but now it's a reality.

This blog's content will run the gamut from topics of education to politics to issues in music and singing.  Of those four topics, three of them I feel that I can safely claim to be an expert on.  However, I'm actually quite new to having an opinion on politics, so you all are encouraged to help me grow in that area.

Speaking of politics, as of starting this blog, I will make it a goal to have my Facebook presence contain LESS political information and stances.  However, that becomes challenging for me, at times, due to the current Education bashing that permeates our society and our elected officials.

This blog will also free me up, so to speak, to address a wider variety issues than I would feel comfortable addressing in a public forum such as Facebook, due to my career in public education.  This blog, being an "audience by choice" environment, will undoubtedly "loosen me up" a bit.  Therefore, the opinions just may be a bit stronger and more "colorful" than they would be on Facebook.  It is not my intention to lace my posts with profanity, as I also place a high priority on not offending people (folks close to me have always known that).  But, forgive me if I feel the need to use the occasional accent.

I will also occasionally blog on my own personal issues, mainly those regarding the struggles I've had with my singing voice, over the past 6 years.  As many, but not all, know, I have struggled with a condition known as Muscle Tension Dysphonia.  I could type for a year on what it is, what it does, how it feels and how it sucks.  For now, I'll describe it with a simple analogy:  It's like stepping on the gas and the brake at the same time.
Stay tuned.


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to learning more about MTD. I need an education.
